Thursday, May 13, 2010

My 2nd Mothers Day

Mother's Day

May 9th, 2010

I had an amazing 2nd Mother's Day! It has definitely become my favorite holiday and the most fun day to celebrate. (sorry Mom...didn't realize how special this day was until recently...promise to do better with the gifts from now on) :)

I didn't think too much about Mother's Day leading up to the I have had other things on my trying to sell our house and my looming 30th birthday! Yikes! But I put my anxiety about my birthday away and had a fabulous weekend with my family! I was spoiled my Justin and my parents as usual and couldn't have asked for anything more. Fun times with my family on Sat night with dinner at Lester's, and then a nice brunch with Justin's family on Sunday at Yayas. We even squeezed in Church for the first time in more than a few weeks. This was our first time going to Ascension in Chesterfield, and we both really liked it. It helped that Hudsen was a perfect angel for once...although we bribed her with so many pretzels that I am starting to worry about her sodium intake.

To reward the big gal after Church we went to Faust Park to say 'Hi' to the geese...

and got some quality swing time in...

...And Justin even captured a special message just for me :

Thank you Justin for a great weekend, and thank you even more for our amazing little girl. I never would have known how badly I wanted to be a mom before we had Hudsen, and I never would have had the chance without you. :) Love you!

Selling Our House!

Well, its that we are adding another member to our family, we have decided that it is time to MOVE! It has taken a lot of work to get the house ready for showings and open houses, but we finally finished on May about 1:55p...right before the 2pm open house! :)

While Justin had been traveling over March and April for his job, my mom and I organized the basement...which has basically become a huge disorganized closet containing everything from winter clothes, jackets, toys, bin after bin of clothes Hudsen has outgrown, oh, and I cant forget the dusty treadmill and weight station that gets literally no use now that we belong to Lifetime. My mom was so nice to help during the week...she would come over during Hudsen's nap time, and we would get to work...boxing things up, throwing useless items away, and bagging all sorts of things to donate.

When Justin would come home on the weekends, he was welcomed with hugs and kisses, and usually a mile long 'to-do' list. Mostly things that I couldn't do myself...yardwork, picture hanging, painting, deck staining, and yes, vacuuming (I hate it, can't do it, and get tangled up in the cord, etc...) So even with all of the pitching lessons he had to take care of every weekend...I was very lucky to have so much help from Justin.

Justin and I work well together when things need to get done....and Hudsen is doing her part as well. She has been actively trying to pull people off the streets by playing outside around the for-sale sign and showing off her soccer skills! Coach Igou would be proud Katie :)

After some fresh paint and de-cluttering, I would say the house has never looked better! We are excited and optimistic that we can move before Baby #2 arrives. As a realtor, I opted not to represent myself in the transaction (mainly to avoid the awkwardness of negotiations) and instead listed with a co-worker that has an amazing track record. We hope it doesn't take too long to sell but are also okay with the idea of having our 2nd child here. It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world...and new babies are so small...they don't need much space...right? :) Well, in the meantime I'm crossing my fingers and hope to be settled into a new home in a few months!

If you know of anyone looking to move into a great neighborhood, at an affordable price, please pass along the link below: