SCATTER-BRAINED! has been awhile since these old bones have contributed anything to my blog. It's unlikely that anyone has been sitting on the edge of their seat waiting to see what I may write about next, or more importantly, what JUSTIN may write about he is starting to outdo me on here - it's like, Hey Justin - GET YOUR OWN BLOG! Ya know?! :)
Anyways, I have so much to say, so many experiences to document, and so many things to look forward to, that I have been completely SCATTER-BRAINED, and it has been quite frightening to attempt another post with so much going on in my head. It's quite ridiculous actually. Last year at this time, I was stressed about all of my real estate deals.....will the inspection go ok? did their loan get approved?, etc, and was casually planning a fun 1st Birthday for Hudsen.....and fastforward to worries consist of trying to sell our house, getting the baby's room ready, getting Hudsen's NEW room ready, organizing the entire house (literally from the basement up), potty training attempt #1, and planning Hudsen's 2nd Birthday Party, which I have sadly put so much time into, you would think I was planning her wedding. In actuality, I am planning a very simple get together with 9 other kids at her gym :)
This summer has been the BEST summer of my life and we have definitely enjoyed everyday. So many fun days spent at different parks, the pool, the zoo, many playdates with friends and alot of fun family get togethers.
We enjoyed our first Cardinals game together with Hudsen and that is something I know Justin and I will always remember.....not to mention I took about a hundred pictures to make sure I would ALWAYS remember. I didn't put the camera down, as I didn't want to miss her eating her first 'Ballpark' hotdog, and certainly didn't want to miss her expression when she saw her first fireworks! Needless to say, I hardly watched the game -although did 'fake' a picture like I was paying attention :)
Below are some pictures of just some of the Summer Time Fun the Backsmeyers had:
Playdates with all Hudsen's Boyfriends :)
Soccer lessons from Daddy - look how far he made her run!
Family Night Out
Softball Reunion....Hudsen is definitely a future Slugger!
Clearly she's a natural!
Checking out the family favorite at the zoo - the Giraffes!
Golf Lessons from the expert...
Oh, and during all this fun my stomach got HUGE!
(7 months pregnant)
Many hot summer days spent having driveway fun with bubbles and sprinklers...
Meeting Big Bird at Bo's Birthday
Relaxing poolside...
A little tired after the pool :)
Park Fun!
Justin and I also celebrated our 5th anniversary on Aug 6. We made big plans too! We planned a relaxing, 5 day, family vacation to Savannah, GA. Justin had lived in Savannah during his minor league days, and had always said I would love it there and that it would be a fun place to take Hudsen. We had planned to drive, as I would be in my 3rd trimester....SO, we booked it! Only to find out a few weeks later, that it would be impossible for Justin to get out of a few work things that had popped up, so we canceled.
Now what you may ask?
Ok, so lets just do a long weekend in Chicago. Easy enough....booked it! Only to cancel it 1week later, as Justin was unable to get out of 7hours of pitching lessons scheduled for that Saturday.
Back to square one.
What to do what to do? Well, the big guy decided we would enjoy a lovely dinner at PF Changs. We had celebrated there the night we got engaged so it was a PERFECT idea! Justin's parents volunteered to come over to watch Hudsen at our house, and so we walked out the door at 5:30p.......................... and walked back in the door at 7:30p. Ha! Sadly, our 5day vacation was cut down to a quick 2hour husband/wife dinner....but we both thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. And we were thrilled when the check came, there was no check.....Carmi and Popi had called in and paid for it :) What a fun little surprise!
Unfortunately there are no mushy anniversary pictures to share....and hopefully some of you other moms can relate to the reason why. I am a pretty emotional person, can cry pretty much anytime, anywhere...but pregnant Brittani, literally cries ALL the time and EVERYwhere! So when we got to PF CHangs, and the waitress looked up our name on the reservation list, and immediately congratulated us on our 5th Anniversary, I was surprised she had known. How cute of Justin to tell them...right? No tears yet...the hostess then escorted us to our table, and wow...the tears started pouring. They sat us at the same booth that we had sat at the night we got engaged.....this was actually a the hostess was a bit concerned about my bright red, mascara smeared face (hence, no decent pictures to share). I tried to compose myself and told her why I was crying and tried to blame it on the pregnancy. She said she thought it was 'cute' that I was so emotional....yea right, we saw her go tell her hostess friends about me. Trust me, it wasn't cute! :) haha! But it was a very special night, topped off with dessert and a new fun ring for me!
I mentioned earlier that one of the things keeping me busy is our house being on the market. Well....that has kept me extremely busy since May. Now, with Sept 1st looming, we are both excited to take it off! Bummed of course that it didn't sell, but excited to know exactly where we will be living for the next few months :) as we hadn't found anything that we were interested in purchasing anyways. It was a nice thought....get pregnant again, and move before the baby comes. Things don't always work out perfectly, but we will be just fine here for another few months. Come February, when our daughters are 2 1/2 and 4months, I will be busting out of here! For sure! Be looking for the red light special on Sandalwood Creek Dr. in early 2011!
Hope everyone enjoyed their summer as much as we did! It flew by way to fast, and I am already looking forward to pool season next year. Not quite sure what type of swim wear I will be featuring was kinda nice to be able to sport the 'swimdress' this year, will I be expected to be back in a two piece? Yikes!!