Henley turning 2 has certainly snuck up on me. Brittani reminded me yesterday that we have added to the blog in a year which is strange since so much has been going on. We have moved into a new house…Hudsen, is in all kinds of activities that include Pre-School, gymnastics and dance class. and soccer begins next week, so I am definitely looking forward to that!!
Little Miss Henley continues to grow up right before our eyes doing things daily that surprise us all. Those who have had a chance to get to know Henley knows how sweet she is. She is the first one to share a toy and the first one to greet you with a smile…she is also the first one to take a chip from your plate when you’re not looking. A skill she has mastered.
If I were to speak to Henley directly at the age of 18 I would remind her that between the time she was born until now…age 2…that you are the most beautiful little girl any dad could ask for. You love to give a hug as much as you do to receive one. You have something that I cannot yet put my finger on that seems to draw people to you. Every time that I take you somewhere, someone is constantly telling me how cute you are, and it’s amazing how quickly someone looks at you and simply smiles.
I love the fact that you show so much emotion. When you are upset or mad, you show it. When you get hurt, you show it but quickly get over it. When you are happy, your smile is from ear to ear and when you want something…you want it right then!! I share some of the same traits which allows me to connect with you, which in turn gives me a sense of pride I cannot explain in words, but maybe in only the way I react to you when we are together.
You are a wonderful little sister! You follow Hudsen around quite a bit as you allow her to make all the decisions, but you always seem to go with the flow. It is such a tremendous joy for your mom and I to listen to you two laugh in the playroom and funny to watch you both wrestle before you guys jump in the bath, which I now know the rules. During bath time…the more bubbles, the better!!
Hudsen loves you so much although she has certainly used some crafty moves to try and stay one step ahead. She put all the toys on the taller ledge in the play room so that you can never reach any of the good ones. I would get mad, but it’s a pretty savvy move!!
Happy Birthday to you Henley! I love you more than you will ever know. One day when you read this as an older girl, know that I will love you more than I even do now, which is crazy to think. You make everyday a blessing from the time you wake up with a big smile on your face to the time you go down at night asking for one more hug and a kiss. I love you dearly!
Monday, October 29, 2012
A note to Henley on her 2nd Birthday - written by Justin
Posted by Brittani at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Henley is TWO!
Henley will be 2 tomorrow!
The last time I wrote in our family blog was right after her FIRST BIRTHDAY!
Feeling like a horrible mom, and the worst memory keeper ever - I just laid Henley down to sleep and immediately felt the need to share some thoughts about our little cutie before she turns two tomorrow!
I think it sounds ridiculous to even say out loud that tomorrow I will officially have a 2 and 4 year old! I feel like I should be really grown up or something....but I don't feel like I am :)
Henley, you are the sweetest little girl, and you are such a good friend to Hudsen. Yes, you two can fight over EVERYTHING, but you also play wonderfully together and you have learned so much from your big sister...especially since Hudsen likes to constantly correct your pronunciation of every word possible, or remind you where toys belong, and how to put them away exactly and in an organized fashion. But Hudsen will also brag about you too. When she hears you say a new word, she will call to me and 'Mommy, Henley just said ____' - so cute, and she loves helping you learn about everything.
Some of your favorite things right now...any sporty toys, anything that makes music, CUPCAKES, and snacks in general...(we have ZERO pictures of you without a snack cup...literally, you may have a snack cup in hand in your wedding photos some day) :), story time, running (everywhere...you do not have a stroll, you can only stand still, or run....really really short strides though, so I am always anticipating the trip and fall, which happens ALOT, in-fact...twice tonight at Sports Authority actually.
You have the loudest cry, but you get over things super fast. If you take a bad fall, I know you're okay within 1 second, because even through the tears, and the screaming, all I have to say is 'Are you okay?', and in the sweetest voice, you stop, and say 'Yes Mommy' and the cry stops immediately. You never wine, unless we are either A.) in the kitchen and not eating, or B.) at Hudsen's dance class...that's a long 60minutes for you sweetie, in a small space, and your snack cup is usually empty within the first 10min :)
Some of your not so favorite things....loud noises, trucks, buses, the vacuum, when I sing in the car, bugs, and 95% of Halloween Decor :)
So I am definitely not Mother of the Year this year, as I thought I would try and break you of your fear of Halloween by throwing a Halloween Birthday Party last weekend! You did let me wear a Witch Hat headband, but I knew anything more than that would have been unacceptable to you. And thankfully, none of your besties came dressed in anything scarier than a Sheriff, or a Strawberry :) You had a wonderful party and were spoiled by so many friends. Tomorrow we will have a family celebration, and the spoiling will continue! :)
On your second birthday, I truly just wanted to tell you how wonderful of a daughter you are, and how special you are to our family. Your dad and I talk about you constantly, and at the end of the day, when all the toys are put away, baths have been given, and both you girls are tucked in...there is not an evening that goes by that your dad and I don't mention to each other about something funny you did or said that day, or something new that you learned. You are an amazing daughter, and I am the luckiest mother in the world. Thank you for being such a sweetheart.
Love you!
Posted by Brittani at 12:59 PM 0 comments