Friday, November 19, 2010

The Arrival of Baby Henley

Our newest addition arrived just 3 weeks ago on October 26, 2010!

Henley Pierce is the sweetest little girl in the whole world and we are truly enjoying every single moment with her! And just so I don't forget, I feel I need to get my labor and delivery experience down on paper so I will have Henley's beautiful story to share with her in a few years. My experience with Hudsen was such a blur, that I really wanted to do my best to remember each moment this time.

As our family and friends know, we had a scheduled date that our 2nd baby would be born...mainly to avoid going into labor before hand and messing with the planned c-section. So knowing the date ahead of time was great....sort of...and in a previous blog, I noted it was also not so great :) My anxiety leading up to this BIG day was out of control! But somehow now, just 3 weeks later and looking back, it doesn't seem that it was all that husband may recall things a bit differently though :)

The night before, I kissed my big girl goodnight....for the last the next night, I knew I would always have 2 girls to kiss goodnight....and I knew these thoughts would continue and keep me up so I popped an Ambien and hit the sheets in order to avoid any more tears.

The morning of the 26th....I woke up refreshed, and ready to do this. We got ready, and took Hudsen to my parents around 7am, and then headed to the hospital. I had much been dreading the 'good-bye' to Hudsen as I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I would see her for the last time as our only child....and it was just as hard as I had imagined it would be. But we got the goodbyes over quickly to avoid any major meltdowns on my part.

*Making Hudsen take 1 more picture with Mommy before heading to hospital)

Walking into the hospital, holding Justin's hand, knowing that we would be walking out in a few days as a family of 4 was such an incredible feeling...hard to describe, but it felt fake to it really wouldn't happen....or maybe that it wasn't happening to me. Sometimes, when I think about my life, and our family, and how everything is going great, I have this bad habit of suddenly picturing horrible things happening. I think it is because I feel like I am entirely too lucky to have everything that I have, and something bad is bound to happen to me at any given time. I have an amazing husband, a beautiful daughter, the best parents in the world, and had just experienced another wonderful pregnancy...seems too good to be true to me and so I automatically started thinking...oh my gosh, what if the delivery doesn't go well, what if the baby has problems, what if, what if what if?!

*Although, gotta admit, I don't look too nervous here :)*

The anesthesiologist, Austin, we had met the day before to discuss the procedure was there waiting for us, and no time was put to waste getting the epidural going. Austin was amazing, and really helped me get through this as my nerves were out of control. I have been told and like to think I have a fairly high pain tolerance, which is great...but I had zero control over my nerves...and got through it by crying randomly. It took awhile to completely numb my lower Austin checked on it often with the prickly needle....'can you feel this?' 'can you feel that?' etc. I think my whole right side went numb, but I could still feel my left side for awhile, so he kept the meds pumping until I had no feeling at all. When I would say 'yes, I can feel that' - I was always worried, like 'oh my gosh! don't wheel me into surgery yet! I can still feel it!' - and he just kept calm and kept repeating 'we wont do anything until you don't feel a thing!' God bless you Austin! I owe him a thank you note! (as I know I also owe some of you who may be reading this one! - sorry, I am so behind! :) )

My OB was now there, Dr. Cindy Mueller, the best OB ever! Finally numb and ready to was time and I was 'medically' ready!

The roll down the long hallway to the operating room was emotional...shocking, I know! But we entered the double doors, and into the bright room. I remember getting situated on the table and having my arms spread out on side tables next to me, and someone asked how I felt, and I was looking straight at the ceiling, and into the florescent lights, and I said 'I feel like I am in a movie, is this really happening?' - they all laughed....nothing like a good chuckle before having your stomach sliced into. But it really did feel exactly like a movie to me.

As they got started, I had Justin at my right side and Austin at my left. Justin did great talking me through everything-trying to keep my mind off of what was happening behind the curtain...I remember him talking ALOT, and right now, and considering the circumstances, I am having a hard time figuring out just what we may have been chatting about...(I'll have to ask him when he gets home from work) :)

A few minutes in I started to feel lots of pressure (not uncomfortable), but could tell they were really working on things...and after the fact, Justin revealed to me that there were at least 4 people using all of their might pushing our baby girl out of me. A few minutes later I heard Dr. Mueller say, 'Here She Comes!' - and immediately I started to cry...I couldn't believe the time had come and she was HERE! She told Justin it was safe to look, and he peeked over the curtain and said 'Oh My God!' then looked at me and told me that she looked just like Hudsen! He was right! A slightly smaller version, but there were so many immediate similarities it was crazy!

I was rolled into the operating room at 9:20am...and at 9:35am, Henley made her grand entrance! We were immediately in love! I remember saying that she had such a 'cute cry' we are at week 3, I can definitely say its not so cute anymore :)

Getting 'sewn back together' this time around was definitely more intense than I remember the first time. Justin was taking pictures of Henley as they took care of getting her cleaned up, weighed, etc...and I chatted with Austin. I asked him if he thought everything went good, and he kept reassuring how it had went perfectly. I asked him, if they were almost done....and I will never forget what he said....he peeked over the curtain, and then looked back at me and said 'yep, they are just getting ready to put your uterus back in, and then you'll be outta here.' I had no words. I have always refused to read about or watch a video on a c-section. I didn't and don't want to know how it all goes exactly...but WAIT...'put my uterus back in?!' Where was it?! On a side table? On the floor? Was someone just holding it? Too much information.

Justin came back to my side with Henley for me to hold and all thoughts about the whereabouts of my uterus were thrown out the window! I was finally holding our little girl and that was all that mattered.

A few other special pictures from the hospital..

*Being wheeled by the nursery on our way to our crazy to see your baby through the glass window!*

*Probably the proudest father ever!*

*The next day, Hudsen was introduced to her Little Sister, she immediately started in on her Big Sister role...*

*And one minute later was WAY more interested in a graham cracker*

*I was left alone while Justin ran home to take a shower, and I was stuck in bed so Henley and I had a staring contest :)*

*Last morning in the ready to take this little cutie home!*

I want to say a Big Thank You to Justin. Without him I don't think I would have gotten through this. He talked me through so many emotional breakdowns leading up to this important day. The last month my mind was taking me to crazy places, and he always brought me back to Earth...Wildwood, Mo that is :) I am so lucky to have such a great supporter, and I love him more today than I did when I married him 5 years ago.

We are the proud parents of another precious girl, how lucky are we!?

Henley Pierce Backsmeyer
October 26, 2010


6lbs 12oz, 19in

Saturday, October 23, 2010

This is the LAST time...

So as I sit here, days away from welcoming our 2nd daughter into the world, I cannot help but think about all the changes that are going to take place. Obviously, I have had the last 9months to think about all of the major changes that will occur....but over the last few weeks, its all the little things that have been hitting me hard. I am pretty sure I start most sentences with 'This is the last time...." and it typically followed by a ridiculous moment or mini-event and then maybe a tear or two. Examples are "This is the last time we will go to the Pumpkin Patch with just one child"....

"This is the last time we will go to this park with just one child"....

"This is the last time Hudsen will eat a turkey dog before her sister arrives"...."This is the last time I will take a picture with Hudsen wearing this shirt before baby girl #2 is here..." So as you can see, this has gotten out of hand. Hmmm....this could also explain why Justin is out playing 36holes of golf 3 days before we have the new baby. "This is the last time Justin will play golf before the baby is born..." Can't say I blame him for needing a little break from my hormonal and emotional breakdowns.

But in all honesty, Justin does understand where I am coming from. We talk about how Hudsen's life will change along with ours, and it is a little heart-wrenching to think that for even one moment she wont feel like the most important person in the world to us. We are both terrified that she would at some point feel left out, or jealous of the new baby and the attention she will obviously get. At only 2 years old, we realize that later down the road she will not even remember life without her little sister...which is sad enough to these 2 years have been the most amazing and without a doubt, most memorable, years of our lives.
We are lucky that Hudsen is as anxious to be a big sister as we are to add another little girl to our family. She has already helped us so much in preparation for the big day. I was worried about switching her into her new Big Girl room, that houses her BIG girl bed! But she rolled with the punches, and has officially been sleeping in a FULLsize bed for a month now. She is still our awesome little sleeper too...the room and bed change had no effect on her, and we are amazed that she is still getting 11 hours of sleep each night, and a 3 hour nap in the afternoon. So because of her cooperation, the crib is all ready for baby girl #2! And when walk by the nursery in the hallway, Hudsen often points in and says 'There's ____ room' - (blank to be filled in with baby girl #2s name....that oddly we have managed to keep a secret!).

Most people told me that I am lucky to know the actual date and time of the baby's arrival this time around. With a scheduled C-Section, it does help with the planning...but I must say, actually knowing what time everything will take place has given me all kinds of anxiety. I am not necessarily worried about the procedure, but more so worried about dropping Hudsen off at my parents that morning, knowing that that will be 'The last time I see Hudsen before we have the new baby" - and picturing saying goodbye to her as Justin and I drive off to the hospital for a life changing event has literally got me crying even as I type this. Hudsen loves going to Carmie and Popi's, so there will be no tears on her end...which I am very grateful for, but still...I can't stop thinking about how hard it will be to wave goodbye. Hudsen will come meet the new baby girl the following day, as I didn't want her to see me immediately after since with Hudsen's birth it took a few hours for the medicine and the shakes to wear off...I just didn't want her to see her mom in such a weird state :)

Wednesday will be the big meet and greet day for Hudsen and her little sister. I cannot even imagine how crazy emotional that will be for us. I think that in order for me to get through these last few days I need to stop thinking about all of the 'Lasts' that are occurring, and start focusing on all of the many many 'Firsts' that are to come...

Some that are already running through my head:

-The first time Hudsen sees the new baby
-The first time the FOUR of us are in the car together (driving home from hospital)
-The first family snuggle session on a Sunday morning
-The first Thanksgiving and Christmas with Hudsen and baby girl #2
-The first trip with Mommy to target (wow...that sounds like it will be challenging...may have to cut back on my shopping!)
-The first fight over a toy
-The first time the girls hold hands crossing the street

(I better stop with my list, as its getting a little emotional over here)

There are so many wonderful new memories to be made and Justin and I cannot wait to continue/start this amazing journey with our two girls. Our biggest wish is that they love each other more than anything and grow up as best friends. We know that there will be the typical girl fights and arguments, but we can't help but hope that some day our daughters will one day get married, and we will listen to each of them toast to the other as their Maid of Honor. Wow, so far down the road, I know...but please, remember, I am 9months pregnant, and having a baby in approximately 60hours :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010


So I remember it like it was yesterday....when I was about 8 months pregnant with Hudsen, a lady at work was asking me about my pregnancy, and all of the fun things that we were doing to prepare for our first child's arrival. I wasn't stressed, or nervous, or concerned....and she said, "Well, have you started 'nesting' yet?" I told her I didn't know, and she laughed, and said 'oh you will!" and she literally walked away laughing.
I kind of forgot about the conversation....until recently!

Now, to be clear... Webster's Dictionary defines nesting as 'to form compactly together'......pregnant people apparently define nesting as 'the uncontrollable urge to clean your house, and generally go crazy doing all sorts of things that will prepare the 'nest' for the new member of the family.'
I don't know why this didn't happen to me during my 1st pregnancy...but I think it has hit me double this time.
Once I feel I have completed the never ending, handwritten, To-Do List that sits on our kitchen counter....I manage to find a why to add 25 more things that I insist must get done BEFORE the new baby gets here. Many of these items are 'honey-do' chores intended for you can imagine his excitement each night when he arrives home from a 10hour work day and I present these fun activities and alert him to the importance of the upcoming weekend to get them ALL done! I can't lie, many times he has come home to me either crying because I am overwhelmed with what I have decided needs to get done, or simply whining and bothered by the fact that he would go to work all day and leave me at home with this never ending list. He can settle me down awfully fast in most cases, and usually after dinner I am too tired to even think about the list and go to bed without a care in the world. But like clockwork, when Hudsen goes down for her nap after lunch, I begin to panic....thinking about all of the things I 'should' be doing with the 3hours I have free.
My latest and possibly, most ridiculous, nesting project went a little like this.
Hudsen and I were at target....shocker - as you can find us there pretty much everyday. I don't know how we end up there, but literally, I cannot pass a target without going in. As soon as I see the Red Bulls eye I immediately think of something I need right then and there and pull over. So, there Hudsen and I were, strolling through the store....aisle by aisle, aimlessly searching for something that I was sure I could not live without, when I came across the most beautiful, non-adhesive, contact paper I had ever seen! It was kelly green, rubberized, and just looked great on the shelf it was displayed on. I had found my next naptime project! Did our kitchen cabinets, shelves, pantry...and okay, bathroom vanities necessarily NEED new contact paper??? ABSOLUTELY! There is a baby coming, and if it doesn't get done now, it NEVER will....and this is exactly how I rationalized it to myself, and later to Justin when he was confused about the randomness of my latest home assignment. So I stocked up and pretty much bought out the stores supply of the exquisite contact paper that I felt so lucky to have found.
We headed home for lunch and I quickly shuffled Hudsen up to her room for naptime. It was as if I couldn't get to this new project fast enough. I wanted to clean, organize, and then later that evening literally present the kitchen to my husband when he came home. So I got to work as soon as Hudsen's head hit the sheets. Again, I cannot lie...this activity was a bit more challenging than I had envisioned. Taking everything out of of every shelf as I went along was quite time consuming. Especially when I was on the floor maneuvering around the pots and pans and larger pieces that at 8+ months pregnant felt like bricks. Measuring every space, and then cutting the liner to fit, and I was always off by a little, so then more time was taken up to trim it to fit perfectly. I had been wearing a long, cotton, green, maxi-dress this day, and I must admit, it was probably one of the few things in my closet that still fit. About 1/2 way through I was sitting, Indian - style, in the kitchen, cutting the paper, maybe a little too quickly, to fit under the sink, I felt something weird. I stopped cutting, and lifted up the contact paper, only to find that I had cut directly into my dress....a straight line about 8inches long. Classic. Now what was I going to wear?! Perhaps I can patch it up with my matching green contact paper?! :)
I did finish this project before Justin came home. I wouldn't say that his excitement level went through the roof when he saw that I had lined every drawer, cabinet, and shelf possible in our house but I do think that he appreciated the effort. An organized house is a happy house.

Now that I have nestled into nesting, I find myself only worry now is how quickly I can get my hands on a Nestle Crunch!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Friday Night Lights

Written By: Justin Backsmeyer

I have always been a football fan. More NFL than college in large part because I did not attend college. I suppose if I would have, I would spend my Saturdays in front of the TV or making weekend trips to the ‘ole’ alma mater for a little tailgating and debauchery. Over the last couple years, 7 to be exact I have been working on Saturdays and Sundays during football season. So suffice it to say I have not followed football as much as I would like.

Go back to my high School days, it was all about Friday Nights! My love for Friday Nights began when my brother played football for Parkway South as attending games would be the highlight of my week. It of course continued as I would attend Friday night games at my high school, DeSmet however, at the time…. DeSmet football was a lack luster team. A friend of mine would refer to it as a Mickey Mouse operation! I wouldn’t go that far, but it was still exciting to go to the game watch your boys play hoping for a school victory as you socialize with friends and make plans for post game activities. Good times!!

Now as I am a husband a father of one almost two, I still love Friday Nights…Friday Night Lights that is!!!! The NBC show that follows a small town Texas football team, the Dillon Panthers!

I have known many people from Texas and the one constant is they all have their passion for high school football. This is evident in the show as they depict a small town that follows their team through thick and thin. Brittani and I have become obsessed with the show. Every week we order a couple of dvds as we are renting them since we haven’t followed the show while it has been airing. Our nights usually consist of feeding Hudsen, playing with Hudsen, and finally putting her down around 8pm. We both know what time it is….2 episodes, exactly 80 minutes of great television. We have never been big into following television dramas, which is why it's so surprising how fast we got addicted to this show. Between the hard nosed head coach, Coach Taylor and their all star team that consist of Jason Street, All-American quarterback and All-State running back Brian ‘Smash’ Williams it is easy to get excited about what is going on in Dillon! They also take you on the journey of a number of relationships that transpire through-out the show….Tim Riggins (my personal favorite character) and Tyra Collette….Jason Street and Lila Garrity and finally the best story line back up quarterback, soon to be QB-1 Matt Saracen who ends up dating Coach Taylor’s daughter. This show covers everything from being a wholesome family to using steroids and your usual teenage temptations.

If you watch the show, it is easy to know why we love our Friday Night Lights, so much that it has inspired me to take the family to our nearby high school Lafayette to experience Friday Night lights Wildwood style. This of course would also be Hudsen’s first time taking part in one of America’s great traditions! As a family we enjoyed watching the team walk out to the field arms interlocked proud to play and represent their school, something very inspiring about that.

Knowing these young men are making memories of a lifetime and that many of them will hang onto those memories for the rest of their lives, eventually, one day watching another group of young men take the field with their children as I did with my daughter that night. As I never played a down of football it did remind me of time of my life that I was so proud of. I suppose that is why the tradition of high school football is still around.

We are now reaching the end of Season 4 waiting for Season 5. The anticipation is killing us! Until then, I suppose it is our equivalent to the off-season waiting for the the town of Dillon to come alive!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hudsen's 2nd Birthday(s)

Hudsen's 2nd Birthday was a HUGE success! She had the most fun and I really hope she will always remember it! It was a 2 night celebration....First celebration on her actual birthday, and the 2nd celebration that weekend.

On her birthday she and I hit the park for a little while during the day and later our families got together at my parents house for some presents, dinner and cake. Hudsen had blast opening a few gifts and showing off everything she can do in front of both sets of grandparents, and my brother. It was pretty funny to see how she thrived on all of the attention!

Here are a few pics from the day!

Fun at Anniversary Park...

Opening Presents at Carmi and Popi's

2 Proud Grandmothers
(Carmi and Mimi)

Checking out her Birthday Cake (she may look excited, but she actually would not be eating any due to her pickyness....and her egg allergy) :)


We decided early on that we wanted to have her Party at MyGym....for a few reasons.
1. We knew we were either going to have just moved into a new house, our house would still be on the market, or we would have just taken it off the market and would be getting it ready for Baby #2. Well, it ended up not selling, and was in such chaos that it was a good choice booking it at the gym.

2. Hudsen LOVES MyGym. It is such a fun place for kids, especially at her age! Usually we go once a week to a fairly structured class...this would be structured event...but it would be all about the Birthday Girl, and the sweet MyGym instructors would follow her lead. (which was usually following her into the balls, on the swings, or from one rocking toy to another :) )

3. We knew we would have quite a few kids there, and what a great way to keep everyone entertained!

We arrived about 10 minutes early to help with any set up, and there was no set-up....even better! Just a come-on-in and play situation....loved that! If it would have been at our house, I would have had so many things to worry about....probably would have spent a day wrapping utensils in napkins and tying them with a bow...and another day working on centerpieces...and another day blowing up bounce houses for our non-existent back yard. MyGym took all of that work out of my hands. And instead, all I had to do was:
1. Send out the invitations to our family and Hudsen's 10 best friends (Thank you Courtney Winet for the cute custom invites!)

2. Bring the Cupcakes and Cookies (made by Erin Civey of Lizzie Jean Cookies) - Loved how she kept with the gymnastics themed party with the leotards on the cupcakes and cookies :)

3. Bring some party favors (the one thing I did do myself) :)

4. Bring our camera - to obviously take TONS of pictures! Of course, our battery died about 30minutes in but luckily all of the other parents took so many pictures and were able to share many with us! THANK YOU - especially Lindsay, Sarah and Kim! :)

Here are some pictures of the birthday girl and all of the cute kids.

Sweet Abigail stayed VERY busy!

Harper sees something
fun ahead!

Pretty sure Millie was
smiling the whole time!

Harper, Grant, Hudsen, Bo, Jackson, and little Millie
all enjoying the ball pit!

Cute Caden and Mike

Ashley and little Mack

(this is her FAVORITE!)

Daddy lending a helping
hand to his little princess.

1/2 way through the party, Hudsen was snuck back into the secret storage area and dressed up in a boa and and birthday hat, and then made a GRAND re-entrance back to her Party. They put her on a sled, and swung her around the circle for what felt like she had the most terrified and uncomfortable look on her face the entire time. It was so funny and we captured it on video too. Luckily, this was the only traumatic experience of the day :)

All of the cuties participating in circle time :)

**Amazing birthday celebrating an Amazing 2 years!**

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


SCATTER-BRAINED! has been awhile since these old bones have contributed anything to my blog. It's unlikely that anyone has been sitting on the edge of their seat waiting to see what I may write about next, or more importantly, what JUSTIN may write about he is starting to outdo me on here - it's like, Hey Justin - GET YOUR OWN BLOG! Ya know?! :)

Anyways, I have so much to say, so many experiences to document, and so many things to look forward to, that I have been completely SCATTER-BRAINED, and it has been quite frightening to attempt another post with so much going on in my head. It's quite ridiculous actually. Last year at this time, I was stressed about all of my real estate deals.....will the inspection go ok? did their loan get approved?, etc, and was casually planning a fun 1st Birthday for Hudsen.....and fastforward to worries consist of trying to sell our house, getting the baby's room ready, getting Hudsen's NEW room ready, organizing the entire house (literally from the basement up), potty training attempt #1, and planning Hudsen's 2nd Birthday Party, which I have sadly put so much time into, you would think I was planning her wedding. In actuality, I am planning a very simple get together with 9 other kids at her gym :)

This summer has been the BEST summer of my life and we have definitely enjoyed everyday. So many fun days spent at different parks, the pool, the zoo, many playdates with friends and alot of fun family get togethers.

We enjoyed our first Cardinals game together with Hudsen and that is something I know Justin and I will always remember.....not to mention I took about a hundred pictures to make sure I would ALWAYS remember. I didn't put the camera down, as I didn't want to miss her eating her first 'Ballpark' hotdog, and certainly didn't want to miss her expression when she saw her first fireworks! Needless to say, I hardly watched the game -although did 'fake' a picture like I was paying attention :)

Below are some pictures of just some of the Summer Time Fun the Backsmeyers had:

Playdates with all Hudsen's Boyfriends :)

Soccer lessons from Daddy - look how far he made her run!

Family Night Out

Softball Reunion....Hudsen is definitely a future Slugger!

Clearly she's a natural!

Checking out the family favorite at the zoo - the Giraffes!

Golf Lessons from the expert...

Oh, and during all this fun my stomach got HUGE!
(7 months pregnant)

Many hot summer days spent having driveway fun with bubbles and sprinklers...

Meeting Big Bird at Bo's Birthday

Relaxing poolside...

A little tired after the pool :)

Park Fun!

Justin and I also celebrated our 5th anniversary on Aug 6. We made big plans too! We planned a relaxing, 5 day, family vacation to Savannah, GA. Justin had lived in Savannah during his minor league days, and had always said I would love it there and that it would be a fun place to take Hudsen. We had planned to drive, as I would be in my 3rd trimester....SO, we booked it! Only to find out a few weeks later, that it would be impossible for Justin to get out of a few work things that had popped up, so we canceled.

Now what you may ask?

Ok, so lets just do a long weekend in Chicago. Easy enough....booked it! Only to cancel it 1week later, as Justin was unable to get out of 7hours of pitching lessons scheduled for that Saturday.

Back to square one.

What to do what to do? Well, the big guy decided we would enjoy a lovely dinner at PF Changs. We had celebrated there the night we got engaged so it was a PERFECT idea! Justin's parents volunteered to come over to watch Hudsen at our house, and so we walked out the door at 5:30p.......................... and walked back in the door at 7:30p. Ha! Sadly, our 5day vacation was cut down to a quick 2hour husband/wife dinner....but we both thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. And we were thrilled when the check came, there was no check.....Carmi and Popi had called in and paid for it :) What a fun little surprise!

Unfortunately there are no mushy anniversary pictures to share....and hopefully some of you other moms can relate to the reason why. I am a pretty emotional person, can cry pretty much anytime, anywhere...but pregnant Brittani, literally cries ALL the time and EVERYwhere! So when we got to PF CHangs, and the waitress looked up our name on the reservation list, and immediately congratulated us on our 5th Anniversary, I was surprised she had known. How cute of Justin to tell them...right? No tears yet...the hostess then escorted us to our table, and wow...the tears started pouring. They sat us at the same booth that we had sat at the night we got engaged.....this was actually a the hostess was a bit concerned about my bright red, mascara smeared face (hence, no decent pictures to share). I tried to compose myself and told her why I was crying and tried to blame it on the pregnancy. She said she thought it was 'cute' that I was so emotional....yea right, we saw her go tell her hostess friends about me. Trust me, it wasn't cute! :) haha! But it was a very special night, topped off with dessert and a new fun ring for me!

I mentioned earlier that one of the things keeping me busy is our house being on the market. Well....that has kept me extremely busy since May. Now, with Sept 1st looming, we are both excited to take it off! Bummed of course that it didn't sell, but excited to know exactly where we will be living for the next few months :) as we hadn't found anything that we were interested in purchasing anyways. It was a nice thought....get pregnant again, and move before the baby comes. Things don't always work out perfectly, but we will be just fine here for another few months. Come February, when our daughters are 2 1/2 and 4months, I will be busting out of here! For sure! Be looking for the red light special on Sandalwood Creek Dr. in early 2011!

Hope everyone enjoyed their summer as much as we did! It flew by way to fast, and I am already looking forward to pool season next year. Not quite sure what type of swim wear I will be featuring was kinda nice to be able to sport the 'swimdress' this year, will I be expected to be back in a two piece? Yikes!!