Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tim McGraw

So as many probably already know, Justin and I are big Tim McGraw fans. But what you most likely didn't know, is that Justin is his #1 Fan! I swear, I should get him a TShirt and I am pretty sure Justin would wear it proudly. So when we found out that Tim was going on tour, Justin jumped at the chance of getting tickets in STL...oh and Columbia, MO. Our good friend at Mizzou has some great connections, and was able to snag us 4th row seats at what turned out to be one of the best nights of our lives. February 25, 2010 proved to be an amazing night and one that I will never forget.

As parents of a 17month old, we don't get a lot of time for just the two of I had been looking forward to the extra time to talk and catch up on the way to with Hudsen dropped of at my parents house for the night, we hit the road....And spent the entire hour and half talking about Hudsen :)

We were able to arrive early enough to really scope out our seat situation and we honestly felt like celebrities. There was the main stage, and then a long runway in the middle jetting out to the crowd. We were 4th row, and seats 3 and 4 off the runway (here we could definitely see the potential of touching Mr. McGraw if the opportunity presented itself). About 5 minutes after we sat down, 2 tall and skinny super models sat down in front of us...and immediately crushed my dreams of getting any attention or eye contact from Tim. I mean, these girls were dressed to break up his marriage with Faith...I, on the other hand, had opted to wear the cliche plaid shirt...which didn't hold a candle to one of the girls painted on tank tops, but I am a mother and have adjusted to roll I now play, and the example I need to set for my daughter....although, rewind back into my early/mid 20' concert wear may have been a little bit more revealing.

The opening band was great - although I have no clue what there name was...but they got the ball rolling and really set the tone for what was in store. Next up was Lady Antebellum...who I knew I already liked, but found out I LOVED! They were amazing performers and so animated and I feel like I really got to know them. The male lead singer and Justin definitely exchanged a hello....that's right... I think he pointed at Justin, and Justin returned the point with a salute. It was cute. I really got in the spirit of things and started taking pictures with my we were told NO CAMERAS. I quickly found out that we could have snuck one in, as EVERYONE had cameras, even the BIG ones with the huge lenses. My blackberry phone camera has never been very good, and Justin's isn't much better - which we soon found out, as all of our pictures look blurry and abstract - but this wasn't going to get the Backsmeyers down. In fact, I still probably took 50 of which features the back of my husbands head next to Tim McGraw (see below).

9:30pm....FINALLY, Tim shows his face and hits the stage with a bang and 'Real Good Man!' (one of our favorite songs) I thought I was going to cry...but would fight back the tears until at least a few songs in. I'll be honest, Tim did not look his best. He announced that he had 2 weeks left of filming a movie (with Gwyneth Paltrow), so he was not able to shave the massive beard that he must be sporting for the flick. He also looked rather trim - so perhaps the roll didn't call for a hunky, muscular, clean cut guy that we all know and love. He didn't waste any time working the stage though- and this got us both very excited! There where a few times where he reached out and highfived groups of fans. And during his 3rd song he made his way over to our side, and this is where it all went in slow motion. Justin had positioned himself early in the seat closer to the stage...which I was fine with, as he is clearly the bigger fan. So as I saw Tim making his way down our side of the center stage....I had a feeling this was going to be Justin's big chance to 'meet' his idol. He slapped probably 50 hands on his way towards us, and I kid you not....all of a sudden, it felt like a spot light was shinning on Justin and Tim. Tim, paused, and intentionally reached over a couple of people, and gave Justin the most manly of handshakes you could ever imagine. It was as if he was looking for someone to connect with and be his Best Friend for the night....and Tim McGraw found that in Justin! Ha! Seriously, I started crying after he passed and was congratulating Justin as if he had just been elected President. I know this was so special for Justin, and he would never admit it, nor would he blab on and on like I have here....but it was incredible - and I am just so grateful that my husband got to shake hands and 'meet' one of the people he admires most in the world. I don't think many people get to do that in their lifetime. Take me for I ever going to meet Reese Witherspoon? or Jennifer Aniston? No probably least not here in Wildwood, MO.

So the Backsmeyers want to send a BIG Thank You to Tim McGraw for putting on an amazing show and I know my husband is so happy to have 'met' you! We will see you this summer in St. Louis!

PS. If Reese or Jen are reading this - Call me!


kim said...

OMG! I could totally see you and Justin double-dating with Tim & Faith. I can't wait for the verbal play-by-play and reenactment! -kim