Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Dad's Turn to Talk...

So I lied. Last time I wrote on my wife's blog it was entitled 'Justin's first and Last Blog Entry.' Hey white liar, my name is Justin....I convinced Brittani to allow me write this post...allow me to share with everyone the sex of Baby #2!!!

I’m more than happy to write this post as I am the lucky one to be able to announce the sex of the newest Backsmeyer. We found out this time in large part of me. I am the one who would rather find out than be surprised. Although being surprised for Hudsen was a lot of fun, this would be a new experience for us. Going to the doctor to find out was stressful for ONE of us, I’ll let you guess who….hint: this person cries anywhere from 1 to 10 times a day from American Idol cast offs to Teen Mom and how can I forget, Real housewife’s reunion shows. Your right, I was stressed. Ha! Just kidding!!!!

Our plan was to have the ultrasound technician write down the sex and put it in an envelope. Brittani and I never envisioned ourselves finding out in the room, as we thought it would be weird to react to the sex in front of someone we barely knew. She wrote it down, slipped it in the envelope and the next 7 hours were borderline torture. I returned back to work and didn’t return home until 7pm. No time was wasted before we decided to open the envelope. Of course we wanted to include Hudsen on this amazing experience and life changing moment so we had her open it up and pull out the sonogram. As she fumbled through it, Brittani decided she would take action and take a peak. We all looked at it together, then looked at one-another, Brittani cried, Hudsen wanted her milk and I realized how lucky I was to proudly say I am going to be the proud father of…………………………….
Another Beautiful little GIRL!!!!!

Words cannot express how happy we both are to have another girl. The fact that Hudsen will have someone she can share so many wonderful things with is so exciting to me. They will grow up talking about things that will help each other navigate through life. Lessons learned only by having a sister. I see the relationships girls have with one another, especially sisters and I can only hope and pray that they will always support one another rather than resort to pity fights of jealousy and God forbid….boys! Not in my house ladies!!!
Now some of you may wonder…what is a dad to do with two girls? Those who know me well may wonder…how will Justin handle two girls? Good question. Easy answer! I have been so enriched being Hudsen’s dad and she has taught me that little things in life are most important. As a guy, growing up, all that mattered to me were guy things head lined by sports and career opportunities and I can’t begin to imagine how two girls will open my eyes to all that is great around me.
I am confident in my ability to play what I will call a zone defense when being the dad of two girls. That means talking on the phone and texting while I’m talking will NOT happen. Dating guys with long hair and ear rings will certainly not happen. (No offense to you guys with long hair; it might be because I’m losing my hair and I’m a little bitter) Most importantly they treat their mom with respect. I have come across girls that are daddy’s little girl but treat mom like crap. Again, not in my house!
Overall, I feel like I’m ahead of the game. I’m not like a lot of guys in a lot of ways. I don’t get mad if a game is not on T.V. I don’t have to watch only ‘guy’ movies. In a lot of ways, I have always had the personality to go with the flow and find everything to be enjoyable. For example, I watch Real Housewives on Bravo and polish that off with nice tall glass of Tori and Dean on Oxygen. So if a guy is gonna have a couple of girls, I might be the best qualified. AND if any of you gentlemen are reading this, don’t laugh…because you know I would kick your ass in any sport, so don’t think Justin is turning soft and won’t boat race you on the golf course and talk trash while I do it.
Another reason for my excitement is for Brittani. She loves being a mom and mom to a little girl. Have you ever seen my daughter without a cute dress/outfit or a bow in her hair? And despite what I may say to sound cool, I too would not want her to walk out the door without her bows. She has done such a terrific job of parenting and I know how wonderful of a role model she will be for our daughters. Brittani is so kind and so grateful for everything, our daughters will have no choice but to one day be smart and beautiful women.
One of the great things about having girls is that they tend to be around a little more. Guys move out, get a job and stay busy being the man of the house. Women tend to come back and visit often. They like to make sure dad is taken care of, which I plan on taking full advantage of. Having two girls, a couple of things are for sure... The clothes I wear will constantly be scrutinized, the guys they date will be hated until proven otherwise and most importantly, they will have me wrapped around their finger until the day I die.
On behalf of Brittani and I, we can’t wait to begin another chapter of our lives with two precious girls. Personally, I could not have imagined it any other way!!

I better go get some work done now, as I recently realized that so far I have two weddings to pay for. We may be asking for donations in 25 years so get your check book ready!!! So until then, Brittani and I will enjoy what two girls have to throw at us, and thank God each and every day for our two little angels!

PS: Brittani and I do have a few names were thinking about. Just to get it out of the way…NO we are not going to tell anyone the name until she is born. We will leave that as a little surprise.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Happy Daddy’s Day!

(after the Tim McGraw concert last night, Mommy told me one way I could make this a real tear jerker for you....hopefully she has figured out how to play 'My Little Girl' while you read my note to you......cue the music mom!) :)

I was so happy when Mommy told me I could contribute to her blog and couldn’t wait to write a special note to you. I just want to thank you for being the BEST DAD in the whole wide world. You make everything so special for me.It is the highlight of my day when you walk into my room in the morning to get me up! I always know you have to leave for work soon after, but I look forward to enjoying our breakfast together. Later, it is music to my ears when I hear the loudest-garage-door-ever open in the evening when you come home for dinner. I stop whatever I am doing with Mommy, and run as fast as I can to meet you at the door. You make me laugh and smile when I am with you and I know you must be really funny because Mommy always laughs at you too.

I wish you were home more but Mommy says you have to work so much so she can stay home and play with me every day. Mommy is really fun and I’m so happy I get to be with her all of the time but I really miss you when you’re not here. I am going to miss you even more when the new baby comes. I know the new baby will be here soon, and I’m excited but also hope that I can always be your favorite. I know I am Daddy’s Little Girl right now, but if the new baby is a girl….can I be Daddy’s BIG girl? If it’s a boy it’s okay too…because then I know I am still your one and only princess :) I can only hope you enjoy being my father, as much as I enjoy being your daughter.

This is your 2nd Fathers Day, and my last Fathers Day as your only child and I wanted to make it special for you since you make everyday so wonderful for me.
In just 21 short months I already have so many great memories of just the 2 of us, and I wanted to remind you of those good times today. This way when the new baby comes, and tries to steal all the attention you can look back and remember how fun I am! Here are some pictures of my favorite times with just me and you…

I can only hope that other little girls out there are as happy and lucky as I am to have such a caring daddy as I do. I will always look up to and will, of course, always LOVE you! :)

Written By:
Hudsen Beal Backsmeyer

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Happy FIRST 'Twenty First' Birthday Hudsen!

A Day in the Life of a 21month Old...

After Hudsen's first year of monthly celebrated birthdays...Justin asked me nicely to please cut back and suggested it was time to just celebrate her ACTUAL 'yearly' birthdays. I agreed, and have since been keeping it simple. Hudsen and I have been having our own secret parties each month instead! Justin jumped back on board when I reminded him that this was her 21st Birthday! Ha! Thought it will be fun to one day compare her day as a 21month old to the day she turns 21 :)

We started the morning by opening her bedroom door singing 'Happy Birthday' and she was all smiles! She is so cute in the morning and this was such a fun way to start to her day!

(I know, almost unrecognizable without her signature bow-she looks naked here to me) :)

After a quick diaper change, we went down for breakfast. She enjoyed her favorite.....Pear Yo plait and a cup of milk.

Then it was back upstairs to change into her 'day clothes.' Justin was wondering why I had her in a 'Party Dress' (this is what he called it-ha!) on a random Wednesday....and I said because today is her BIRTHDAY and we will be having a PARTY all day long!

Justin insisted he still needed to go to work - (even on her 21 month birthday!) :) - so the party had to continue with just myself and the big gal. She was anxious to get the show on the road and hopped into the car.

First stop - the GYM!

Big Mama has to get a work out in everyday in order to keep these pregnancy pounds in check. Hudsen loves going to the gym and gets excited to see her 'friends' in the child center. When we pull into the parking lot, she starts saying 'boys?....girls?' because she is wondering if she gets to see all the boys and girls today.

We headed into Lifetime...

An hour later, I picked Hudsen up from the child center. I must say, she doesn't seem to care very much when I drop her off for the hour, but it is the highlight of my day when I pick her back up. She gets so excited and shows me all of the toys she was playing with. Today's choice was a lawn-mower and tini-tiny baby doll that she was dragging around by her neck - hope that isn't a sign of the way she will tackle her big-sister role :)

On our way out, Hudsen stopped to pat and wave goodbye to the Elephant on the window...

Second stop - the grocery store!

This is an unusual errand for a Wednesday, as normally we do this on Mondays....but we had dinner disaster last night. Justin had requested breakfast for dinner, which is wonderful...especially since HE likes to make it for us. However, he was getting out his 'ingredients' and noticed there was no Ketchup for the tater tots! That was a deal breaker, and we had to go with plan B. Tostino personal pizza for him, and Baked Chicken Lean Cuisine for me. His looked great...mine was a little rubbery.

So, at the grocery store, we picked up the Ketchup, and some pickles (just because they sounded good...not to go with eggs or anything) and Hudsen flipped through the latest Ladue News...

Finally back home around 11am and the fun didn't stop!

Hudsen and her doll, Holly, watched Yo Gabba Gabba while I made some fruit salad.

Then Holly got a ride around the house in the shopping cart.

I don't know about her, but I know I had worked up quite an appetite at this point so it was time for Lunch!

Meals are ALWAYS challenging with this girl. I never know WHAT shes going to eat, IF shes going to eat, or how MUCH she's going to eat. Today, I offered (and made) a grilled cheese...that was turned down/thrown on the floor, then fish sticks...she took two bites, then said 'all done,' and then finally....she accepted pieces of salami, toast, and peaches! Shes an odd and picky eater, that's for sure, but her weight is perfect, so I can't really complain.

After filling her belly, it was nap time.

She actually has started to ask for a nap...which is great. She gets so excited when she says to me 'Nap?' and I say 'Yes' and then she hurries and puts her downstairs toys away in the closet, whiling saying 'bye' to everything.

Upstairs in her room, she gets tucked in with Holly, Daisy (her lamb), and 3 or 4 books. She is such a book worm! Sometimes when Justin or I wake up in the middle of the night we will look at the video monitor and see her sitting up in her crib flipping through one of her books. Its pitch black in there, but she looks like she is reading EVERY word. It's hilarious! So we always make sure she has something to read to entertain herself during her midnight book club meetings :)

A few short hours later, I am alerted that Hudsen is UP when I hear her jumping up and down in her crib and laughing out loud as she watches herself in the mirror across the room.

Time for some outdoor afternoon fun in the driveway before Daddy gets home from work!

And then some Tea for Two...

As mentioned earlier....the ketchup was purchased this morning, so I knew Justin would want to make his famous Breakfast For Dinner. Since Hudsen is allergic to eggs...I knew this meal would do her no good, so I tried the grilled cheese....AGAIN - this time she LOVED it and didn't even share one bite :)

When Justin got home, he was thrilled the Ketchup Crisis was over and he got right into dinner mode. I swear, this guys eggs are so delicious, if the insurance gig doesn't work out, he may want to consider opening up a Bed and Breakfast!

After dinner, it's time for Hudsen's bath. Thankfully, Justin takes care of this 99% of the time. She loves it, and I think it's actually really fun for both of them.

7:30p....Time for bed! We interviewed her and recorded it, but it was a lengthy 5min recap of everything she did I will skip sharing it with you and just store that one in our own family video library :)

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ....a few minutes later she is out like a light. Now normally this is our time to catch up on some tivo-ed reality TV programs, however, tonight Justin is going to force me to watch the CMT music awards. Boooorrrrriiiiiinnnnnggggg! ------hence the fact that I am working on the blog! :)

Hope you have enjoyed your first 21 months as much as your Dad and I have! Goodnight Hudsen and sleep tight! :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My Birthday Month!

Happy 30th Birthday to ME!

So, I'm obsessed with my birthday! And if anyone is bored enough to read this, then you will realize it. As I was 'proof-reading' my mumble-jumble here, I noticed I used the word 'Birthday' at least 97 times!

I really wish I hadn't spent so much time worrying about this birthday ever since the day I turned 29...because it actually turned out to be probably my most favorite Birthday EVER! 30 sounded so scary, but I had the most fun, and was so lucky to be able to celebrate it with so many wonderful family and friends!

The FIRST birthday party took place at Bravo! on May 15 . Prior to dinner just before heading out the door Justin attempted to get a 'Happy Birthday Mommy' out of Hudsen...she wasn't in a 'performing' mood, but glad he caught this anyways!

All of our favorite couples!

Hudsen joined us for a little while but was later kidnapped by Carmi so we could relax and enjoy our dinner! Mmmm....the spaghetti and meatballs were delicious!

After Bravo!, we headed over to Primebar for some drinks...

If you're thinking how could anyone have that much Birthday fun while being me, its possible, and maybe even BETTER pregnant! Think virgin lemonade-sprite spritzers for me...and drunk friends all around! I lived vicariously through their colorful cocktails and watched as every hour passed, the girls especially :), got louder and louder and funnier and funnier! Ha! And lets not forget the special friend that let us all in on her secret to going from a small C, to a C+++ thanks to some chicken cutlets! :)

Ha! Girls, I had forgotten about taking this short video...its basically a bunch of non-sense but I couldn't help but post it! Don't be mad! :)

And Lisa, I am now well aware that you cared more about the DJ than leaving me a nice Birthday Message :)

Later that week I spent the day of my Birthday at Des Peres Park with Hudsen. Justin was at work, and I was going to see my family that evening, so it was great spending time with my favorite little girl.

As usual, she hit the slides pretty hard at the start.

But then sat on a bench for a mother-daughter chat, and assured me that turning 30 wasn't so bad :)

We also hit the gym that day, and I discovered something amazing while on the treadmill. I learned that I am now in a new 'bracket' when monitoring my heart rate during a workout. If you are 20-29 years old, your ideal heart rate during a workout needs to be at 160...but now that I am in the 30-39 year old bracket, I only need to push myself and my heart rate up to a measly 152! This changes EVERYTHING! :)

Re-energized and rearing to go, my SECOND birthday celebration was with my family later that night. We had a wonderful dinner at Sugo's and I was so spoiled with more presents! Thanks so much to my parents, Justin, Connie, Blake and his adorable girlfriend, Susan for joining me!

At the End of my Birthday 'Night'.....I opened my LAST Birthday Card....and it was from Hudsen. I am such a baby when it comes to the end of my bday, and always feel like I have to have at least one more present to open or card to read before going to bed. Luckily, my daughter's card was the sweetest thing I had ever read.

The THIRD and sadly, final, birthday hoopla was small and intimate the following weekend. I couldn't have had more fun with my handsome hubby and cute little girl and some tasty Mexican at our local Wildwood El Magueys. It was a great evening spent out on the patio watching Justin drink gallon sized draft beers, and Hudsen stealing her Dad's hat to play peek-a-boo with us.

Thanks again to Justin, and my family and friends who helped celebrate my birthday this year! I absolutely LOVED turning 30!!!