Sunday, June 20, 2010


Happy Daddy’s Day!

(after the Tim McGraw concert last night, Mommy told me one way I could make this a real tear jerker for you....hopefully she has figured out how to play 'My Little Girl' while you read my note to you......cue the music mom!) :)

I was so happy when Mommy told me I could contribute to her blog and couldn’t wait to write a special note to you. I just want to thank you for being the BEST DAD in the whole wide world. You make everything so special for me.It is the highlight of my day when you walk into my room in the morning to get me up! I always know you have to leave for work soon after, but I look forward to enjoying our breakfast together. Later, it is music to my ears when I hear the loudest-garage-door-ever open in the evening when you come home for dinner. I stop whatever I am doing with Mommy, and run as fast as I can to meet you at the door. You make me laugh and smile when I am with you and I know you must be really funny because Mommy always laughs at you too.

I wish you were home more but Mommy says you have to work so much so she can stay home and play with me every day. Mommy is really fun and I’m so happy I get to be with her all of the time but I really miss you when you’re not here. I am going to miss you even more when the new baby comes. I know the new baby will be here soon, and I’m excited but also hope that I can always be your favorite. I know I am Daddy’s Little Girl right now, but if the new baby is a girl….can I be Daddy’s BIG girl? If it’s a boy it’s okay too…because then I know I am still your one and only princess :) I can only hope you enjoy being my father, as much as I enjoy being your daughter.

This is your 2nd Fathers Day, and my last Fathers Day as your only child and I wanted to make it special for you since you make everyday so wonderful for me.
In just 21 short months I already have so many great memories of just the 2 of us, and I wanted to remind you of those good times today. This way when the new baby comes, and tries to steal all the attention you can look back and remember how fun I am! Here are some pictures of my favorite times with just me and you…

I can only hope that other little girls out there are as happy and lucky as I am to have such a caring daddy as I do. I will always look up to and will, of course, always LOVE you! :)

Written By:
Hudsen Beal Backsmeyer