Thursday, August 4, 2011

Happily Homeless....for now Written by: Justin

whoops - sorry Justin - forgot to post this when you wrote it a month or so ago :)

So far, this summer has been pretty great! We finally sold our house
which brought about mix emotions. On one hand, we have been trying to
sell it for quite some time so we were excited that the prospect of
another house was just around the corner, but on the other hand, we realized how
attached we had grown to it given that so many milestones took place there.

But here I am,
living with the in laws. I suppose I should make the 'raise the eye
brow, and exhale look' as I mention that but things have gone extremely
well. Why does everyone make the expression when talking
about their in- laws? It's like when you're watching House Hunters on
HGTV(that right! I said House Hunters) and the husband ALWAYS has to
makes that comment about the closet space in the master bedroom. 'Hey
nice size, should be enough room for my wife's stuff.' Haha! We get
the joke now move on. Fortunately, Brittani and I have a
good relationship with both families and have plenty of closet space,
which we are extremely grateful for.

The girls are doing great! Hudsen surprises me every day with her
vocabulary and overall politeness. She says thank you, please, excuse
me, I'm so sorry, and so many other little things that it always catches me off-gaurd.
I sneezed the other day which was of course was followed up with a
'bless you daddy' which was then followed up by eating her yogurt and
responded...'this was delicious!' Everyone is so damn polite in our
house you would think were British, but slightly better.

Henley is growing like a weed! She, unlike Hudsen has not met a food
she does not like. Hudsen required a whole song and dance to get her
fed at this age, while Henley cries if you don't feed her fast enough. It's pretty
funny! She truly has been incredible. We are so blessed. She sleeps 12
hours, she eats well and all the girl does is smile and giggle. I don't
know if she is just teasing us and then will end up being a holy terror,
but if she remains the same Brittani and I will 'Count Our Blessings'
Underlined phrase was a little play on words as it is one of Hudsen's
favorite books from the Berenstein Bears collection....a pretty legit series of books
and television show!!

All in all we are taking things in stride...Raising my eyebrows every chance I get, looking for a home with plenty of closet space, a tea set that would make Kate Middleton jealous of Hudsen, and some sort of market research infant eating survey Henley can participate in. Who says 100 degree weather can’t be fun?!