Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hudsen is turning THREE!

Dear Hudsen,

As we get ready to celebrate your third birthday this Friday, I find myself so incredibly excited for you! Even though I am tearing up as I write this, I really am not as afraid of you growing up as I thought I would be (although I did find the need to write this note to you day early, as who knows what kind of mental state I will be in tomorrow on your actual birthday) :) You are such an amazing little lady, and every day you amaze me with the things you learn, say and do. You are such little performer and perfectionist and your Dad and I couldn't be more proud.

As you gear up to turn 3 this week, I wanted to document some of your favorite things to do and say...and sing :)

- In the morning you wake up so sweet and you love for me to put Henley into your big girl bed...just for a say you want to snuggle her, but it doesn't take long for your little sis to go after your hair and then you want her OUT!

- You still enjoy yogurt for breakfast, and you especially LOVE when I buy 'french manilla' also get very animated and excited if I have some chex cereal as a side dish in the call these 'square chexies'

- At the gym in the mornings you favorite thing to do is play on the jungle gym with the big kids, and I often come to pick you up after a work out and find you working on you hula hoop skills.

- You LOVE the Berenstain Bears!

- You have a very specific way of organizing your books to read in bed. We used to let you have as many as you wanted as you are a night owl, and wake up in the middle of the night and read. Now we allow you to have 3 books...and it takes a good 20minutes for you to decide which 3 books you want each night. But it is 100% guarantee, that you always want at least 1 book that is not in your room, and then your dad or I have to go hunt it down from somewhere else in the house.

- You love to play T-Ball, Soccer and to ride your bike

- You often take a swing and hit the ball and say 'Hey, that's not too bad!' - its pretty funny

- You really enjoyed the pool season this summer (as did your Mom) :)

- Your favorite snack is STILL pretzels!

- Your are still allergic to eggs and peanuts - and your a picky little eater...healthy, but limited variety of things that you really like

-I have been strict juice, or fun drinks for you :) except for birthday parties. When you see a kid with a juice box or CapriSun out in public, you always, say 'oh look, its their birthday" Haha!

- We have been at my parents house for 2 months as we are still looking for a home, but you don't think we live here...if we are at the park and I say, okay, time to go say 'No, its time to go back to Carmies'

- If you have been good and I let you watch one of your 'shows' - you go get the little red chair, and put it in the exact same spot every time, and you sit still for the whole 30minutes. Your favorite shows over the last few months have been Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Jake and Neverland Pirates, Berenstain Bears, and Little Einsteins....your Dad and I are relieved that we may be completely done with Barney and Yo Gabba!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- You say everything! You love to show us your huge vocabulary!

- You sing all day...especially in the car. You will sing every song you know in about 20 minutes. It's quite entertaining, and we love the variety. You go from the ABC's to Tomorrow from Annie.

- You love to play Doctor, and you like to hide and have us call for you and say 'Oh, Dr. Hudsen, I'm ready for my checkup' - and then you come out with your Dr. kit, and perform a checkup.

- You are still my little take a 3hr nap every afternoon...and you don't fight going down. You also go to bed at 730p...and we normally don't hear from you until 7a. Although, recently you have been really working us at night as we get you down. You often want us to each ready you a story...separately, and then all together, then you want to snuggle, then you want to play hide and seek, then you want another story, etc....this charade typically ends by 8p, but it can be an exhausting 30minutes.

Wow - there is alot going on in your little 3 year old life right now and so many things I could add to this list! I hope you are at the age where you will remember all the fun we are having...but if not, you can always refer to the blog to jog your memory :)

We hope this next year brings on a whole new batch of wonderful memories for you! Your Dad and I want you to know that 3 years ago you came into this world as this little tiny bundle of joy...and now you are growing up and showing your little sister the ropes. She is one lucky lady to have YOU as her role model for life.

Happy Early Birthday Hudsen!

