Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Hmmmmmm.......what to do with an 2 month old, and a 2 year old on New Years Eve..... it's slim pickin's but we think we found a fun way to ring in 2011.

New Years Eve Day: Justin is OFF work!! So the day starts with breakfast and then we grab some coffee, and run some errands with the girls. I have to take advantage of having Justin's help, as shopping has been tricky alone, since we are still waiting for our back ordered double stroller to arrive. Miss Henley is tiny, but she gets pretty heavy lugging her around in her car seat, meanwhile, chasing after Hudsen who has become wishy-washy on whether she will cooperate and ride in the cart....however, if I remember to bring pretzels, I can usually keep her strapped in and distracted long enough to get what I need.

We exit Wildwood, listening to the radio talking about the tornado that may be rolling in our way. We continue on...knowing that it would be unlikely for a tornado to really come into our neck of the woods. Sky gets a bit darker, rain a little harder, and we hear more sirens and alarms going off so we end up turning around, and head home. Didn't get much done on that family outing, but at least we are all safe and sound and made it home!

The house was very calm this afternoon...literally, the whole family napped (except me) one point, I heard Henley starting to stir, but I knew I had to press on with the blog entry :)

Tonight we went out to dinner with the kids, and then back home for some quality TV time. We tried to find something to rent at Blockbuster, but there wasn't much to choose from. So we decided to stick with 24 (for after the kids go to bed of course), as we are trying to finish up the last season...and are anxious to find out how Jack Bauer will save the world this time.

As 2010 comes to an end, I can't help but reflect on what an amazing year it has been for myself and our family. I could go into a detailed, photographed, chronological list of every enjoyable moment, but I wont...for 2 reasons:

1. Emotionally, I don't think, rather, I KNOW I wouldn't be able to get through it, and would be crying my way into the New Year
2. My devoted 9 followers would be bored to tears (again, don't want myself or anyone crying their way into 2011) :)

But I do want to mention of few things about the year.Watching Hudsen grow from an infant into the busiest, funniest, cutest, sweetest, smartest and most caring toddler has been incredibly fun. She surprises Justin and I everyday, and is always making us so proud.

This year I was also so lucky to have enjoyed another wonderful pregnancy that lead to birth of our daughter, Henley. We are so blessed to have her in our lives, and it was very exciting to have 2 little girls during the Holidays. Hudsen was what we thought, a perfect baby....good eater, great sleeper, and really only cried when she was hungry or tired....Henley, if possible, has been just as perfect. She smiles at us all the time, and one little smile from her keeps me smiling all day long :)

I am lucky to have had this year dedicated to raising Hudsen, enjoying a healthy pregnancy, and now taking time to be with both girls. Everyday is different, and I am always learning something new. Our oldest sees the world in an unique way and I love seeing her look at it with such amazement. I look at the world in a different way, everyday, because of her.

I have high hopes for 2011. It will be tough to beat this past year, but since meeting and marrying my best friend 5 years ago, somehow he continues to bring on a better year....every year. I wonder what he has in store for our family this year? :)

Unfortunately, I did not make it till midnight...Justin did wake me and the girls up for a New Years kiss though :) Next year I will make it to Midnight...that is my New Years Resolution! :)

The Backsmeyers wish you a Very Happy New Year!