Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tiny Dancer

I am literally still laughing out loud about our morning.

It started out normal, Justin's in the shower, I am getting myself ready, and then on cue at 7am, both girls start crying...Luckily, Henley just needed her swaddle a little tighter, and Hudsen was doing her standard hollering from her big girl bed making her routine morning announcement: "I'm up Mommy! Get up and Play!"

Hudsen has always obeyed the strict rule of 'staying in bed' - as we didn't want her wandering around her room at night, so in the morning, she patiently stays in her bed until given further instruction to get off :) I believe that she thinks she is on a boat...she has a select few 'friends' (stuffed animals), and a couple of books that she can take to bed with her, but if something falls off, its gone. There is no getting it back (until the next day). So she is pretty careful not to knock anything off...for fear it will 'float away'.....

I head into her room to get her out of her pj's and into her clothes for the day. At night, I am usually putting some laundry away, so have always made it a habit to lay both girls clothes out the night before (mainly so here is no confusion in the AM and I don't have to stress about tights matching bows, etc) :)

Hudsen loves all of her clothes, and always gets excited to put on anything I pull out. But this morning, I found her to be a bit more demanding. I helped her get into her tights, and then was pulling on a cute, cotton, navy skirt....when suddenly, she shouted:'No skirt Mommy, TUTU! TUTU! I'm a ballerina!'

I laughed, because yes, she does think she is a ballerina sometimes, but I continued on with the navy skirt, thinking she must just want to talk about ballerina's wearing Tutus...but NO, she meant it! She was a ballerina, and was going to dress as ballerina TODAY!

I may do all the bows, tights, girly accessories, etc.....but I haven't really thrown her into the Tutu world just yet. I think because they are just so delicate and cute, and seem so fragile, and just figured it would be destroyed at some point during the day. I always felt that I was saving them for something other than a random Wednesday.

This all changed today...

Justin was having breakfast when I 'presented' his Tutu-clad daughter to him this morning....and he looked so proud! Hudsen twirled, and bowed for him, and then hopped up onto her booster seat for some yogurt and some good conversation.

Justin may have seen a little glimpse into his future with his Tiny Dancer this morning....recitals here we come! :)
ps. Hudsen and Henley are headed to Carmi's for a few hours this morning while I go to the salon....(so Real Housewives of St. Louis of me, I know) I don't think the Tutu will get out in the general public today....but don't be surprised if she is wearing one the next time I see you :)