Little Miss Henley is celebrating her 6 month birthday today!
How in the world has 6 months already gone by? I am having a hard to with this going by too fast....but loving every minute all at the same time. I am so thankful for my two girls, and definitely recognize how lucky and blessed we are to have been given these beautiful and healthy babies...but....Hudsen has been giving me a run for my money lately and has even made me consider having a glass of wine during recent nap at the moment, I am just a little bit more thankful for Henley and her sweet and gentle demeanor :) Haha...kidding, but seriously, it doesn't get any sweeter than Henley.
She is such a doll...all day. She has been fighting the naps recently, but in such a way that it is okay with me. I mean, if she doesn't want to sleep in her crib, but is okay just being held or swinging away while I do the laundry...that is fine by me. As long as she is happy....oh and quite, its all good :)
Happy 6 Month Birthday Henley!
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