Monday, April 11, 2011

Henley, The True Hollywood Story

Henley, The True Hollywood Story

Well sweetie, you may not be famous (YET) but you sure are in daddy’s eyes. You have been a dream come true!!

I cannot get over what a wonderful little girl you have been. It seems days go by without you crying or throwing so much as a little fit. The only time you decide to shed a few tears is when you are hungry. A common trait you share with your ‘ole man. You took to rice cereal like your mother took to sushi, which was pretty hard and heavy!

The best part of my day is waking up and going to your room in the morning when you are still catching a little shut eye and steal a few kisses before I head off to work. The second best part of my day is when I get home, as I’m always treated to a big grin followed by the cutest little laugh. You make me feel as funny as dads favorite Jerry Seinfeld! It seems as though I can make you smile and laugh on command. Your beautiful smile makes me feel like the luckiest dad in the world. I suppose it is a feeling only a parent can have and I am so grateful for that.

With you being our second, I’m already looking forward to seeing how you will take on your next milestone. At just 5months old you are rolling over both ways, from stomach to back and from back to front. Very impressive honey!! Before you know it, you will be crawling and cruising around the house giving mom and I a run for our money.

With summer upon us shortly we have trips to the park, the zoo and of course the pool to look forward to. The pool scene can be quite intense. Mom is already on the hunt for the perfect swimsuits for the Backsmeyer girls….An essential part of a ladies summertime wardrobe. Believe me, I know this by being the only guy in house made up of all gals. Dad will sport his traditional swim trunks while playing my role as pool monitor. Whatever we do, I’m so happy to tote you around feeling extremely proud to be your father.

I occasionally write these blogs so that my thoughts don’t go unknown as you get older and are able to read about the fun times we are having. It is so important for me to share with you how happy I am to have you and Hudsen as my two girls. Lord knows when you get older you may not let me tell you how much I love you, before cutting me off and telling me to shut up but even then the best part of my days will be seeing your smiling face in the morning and coming home to see you at night!

Love you Henley!